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Be part of the online group on Facebook with discussion, pictures, events and contact with Gefsco.

Click on picture to go to facebook page

Gefsco Owners Group B.jpg decals is the source for Gefsco and Clamont restoration decals. This is a small display, contact Greg Softley regarding your needs.

Click on picture to go to Cyclomondo Gefsco / Clamont site

Cyclomondo Gefsco.jpg

Rod Little's excellent limited edition book covering the 2017 Pushies Master Canberra Gefsco weekend. Tap the photo for the link. 


Robert Cobcroft's interview with Gefsco retracing their connection way back in the 70s and what followed. One of many

Velo Aficionado articles which are a must read for any cycling enthusiast. 

Tap on the picture to link you into the 'Shooting the Bull' article or follow this link for the Velo Aficionado site

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